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Daily Prayer


Almighty, everlasting God, look with compassion on all those who suffer persecution for justice’ sake. Grant them grace to carry their cross with patience in the name of Thy beloved Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Let the chalice pass from them is such… Read More »Thursday


Almighty God, You have warned us through your Son Jesus Christ that those who follow Him may be oppressed and abused because of their faith. We ask that you comfort and give courage to all your children who fall victims to unjust imprisonment, physical harm… Read More »Wednesday


Dear Lord, Please protect our brothers and sisters around the world who are being persecuted for their faith, especially those who are active in sharing the gospel. Let your peace reign on those regions where your children are not permitted the freedom to live out… Read More »Tuesday


O Lord God, Your Son Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. In His resurrection He restores life and peace in all creation. Comfort, we pray, all victims of intolerance and those oppressed by their fellow humans. Remember in Your Kingdom those who have died.… Read More »Monday


Father in Heaven, you make Your sun shine on good and bad alike. Your Son, Jesus Christ, died for us all and in His glorious Resurrection,He still retains the five wounds of His Passion.With His divine power, He now sustains all those who suffer persecution… Read More »Wednesday


O God of all the nations, the One God who is and was and always will be, 
in Your providence You willed that Your Church be 
united to the suffering of Your Son. Look with mercy on Your servants who are persecuted for their faith… Read More »Monday


Lord Jesus Christ, we pray for the persecuted church throughout the world. Our clergy and laity are facing so many persecutions and other challenges emanating from the fact that they are serving you. Lord God, most people have forgotten why you created them, and that… Read More »Sunday


Lord, You have warned us through your Son Jesus Christthat those who follow Him may be oppressed and abused because of their faith.We pray for all those that are experiencing this type of persecution.You are a protector and provider for all those that follow you.Please… Read More »Saturday


Lord God, we worship You and we acknowledge that You know all of thosewho suffer in Your name. We remember those who are imprisoned for their faithand ask that they would join with the Apostle Paulto see that even though they remain captive,their chains have… Read More »Friday


O God, Father of Justice and Peace,we commend to your merciful love, the peril of our Christian brothers and sisters who are tormented by wicked and evil men,whose ruthlessness has claimed so many innocent lives.Their injustice, blasphemously attributed to your name, has corrupted true religion… Read More »Thursday