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Who Gets Help

As you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me. – Matthew 25:40

“The Church in Need – Our name says it all!” 

Since the beginning, the Church has been providing care for those in need. However, the Church per se needs help as well, most especially in countries affected by displacement, persecution, or catastrophe.  

Together with benefactors and project partners, we support 4,760 Catholic projects – and counting – in 138 countries each year. Aid to the Church in Need is now an aid organization with a broad range of tasks. Truly, our name says it all.  

Our Task Areas

Existence help 

ACN provides support to religious congregations missioned to care for Christians in impoverished areas. 

Mass stipends

There are areas where the faithful are so poor that they cannot support their priests. ACN provides mass stipends or monetary donations so the priests can continue to celebrate the Holy Mass for the deceased, the sick, and other concerns.

Training of priests and religious  

ACN provides educational assistance to our future priests in countries where their training is endangered or not ensured due to poverty, war, or persecution. 

Faith formation of laity

ACN helps men and women undergoing basic theological training become empowered in teaching Christian principles to the faithful.   


CAN provides help in the construction and reconstruction of churches, monasteries, pastoral centers and mission stations most especially in crisis areas. 


ACN assists in the procurement of vehicles such as trucks, cars, motorcycles, bicyclyes, boats, and even mules to ensure that help and pastoral care is delivered to areas in need. 


Emergency assistance  

Since the 1950s, ACN has carried out pioneering work supporting people displaced by war and violence, and persecuted and expelled for their religious beliefs.

Distribution of Bibles

Since 1979 ACN has been the publisher and global supplier of the Child’s Bible. The book has been translated into 191 languages and distributed more than 51 million times. Children in poor countries benefit greatly as it is oftentimes the only book they receive in their entire lives. 

Media support  

ACN supports the film and broadcast productions of radio and TV stations to propagate the faith and promote solidarity worldwide including non Christian areas.